Travel Health

Are you planning to attend a Corporate Event or Meetings overseas? Get you and your team vaccinated prior to ensure that your  team’s health is protected. We also provide mobile vaccination services for organisations.

It is recommended to schedule your travel vaccination appointment four to six weeks before your departure date, as most vaccines need 1-2 weeks to become effective. Some vaccines must be given in 2-3 dose series, and full protection takes effect upon completion of the full dose.

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Travel Vaccination Services

  • Cholera and Enterotoxigenic E. coli (ETEC)
  • Japanese B Encephalitis 
  • Meningococcal 
  • Rabies 
  • Typhoid 
  • Yellow Fever 

Vaccination services are available at all our clinics.

Travel Medicine Services

  • Pre-travel consultation in preparation for business trips, holidays, pilgrimages, mission trips and other programs
  • Post-travel screening and initial management of:
    • Hepatitis
    • Malaria
    • Parasitic infections
    • Traveller’s diarrhoea
    • Other infections

COVID-19 Related Services

Our full range of COVID-19 tests and services are available for everyone.

PCR swab tests, Antigen Rapid Tests (ARTs) and Serology IgM antibody tests are available at our clinics. Appointments are highly recommended.

For all outbound travellers, the COVID-19 testing window varies and can be up to 72 hours depending on your destination.

Please bring along your identity card, passport and flight details for your departure.

Your results will be emailed to you between 24-36 hours after the test. We suggest preparing a hard copy of the memo.

NOTE: Travellers are responsible for ensuring that they can receive the results within the destination’s testing window. AcuMed Medical is not liable for any additional costs incurred should there be any rejection from the airlines, embassy and authorities. Please verify with the respective embassies if the date booked is correct.


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