Flu Vaccination

Influenza, more commonly known as “The Flu”, is a contagious viral illness caused by Influenza virus. The virus attacks the respiratory tract (nose, throat, lungs) causing inflammation of the mucous membranes.

Common symptoms of Influenza include sore throat, runny nose, cough, high fever and bodyaches.


The flu vaccine is proven to reduce one’s risk of contracting Influenza and its associated complications such as Pneumonia (lung infection).

Why is the flu vaccine recommended on a yearly basis?

The body’s immune response from vaccination declines over time and flu viruses are constantly changing. Do speak with our Doctors to understand more.


Who should get the flu vaccine?

The flu jab is recommended for everyone and especially in people who are at higher risks of developing complications from Influenza such as:

  • Elderly persons aged 65 years and older
  • Pregnant women
  • Those with chronic medical conditions such as Diabetes, heart, lung or kidney diseases
  • Those with reduced immune response:
    • Examples: Underlying Leukaemia, Cancer, Organ Transplant or taking long term immunosuppressants
  • Children aged 6 months old to 59 months

Any precautions I should take?

Do inform our Doctor prior to the vaccination if

  1. you are unwell on the day of vaccination
  2. have experienced allergy to a prior Flu vaccine
  3. severe egg allergy
  4. Any significant past medical history or drug allergies

Eligible Singaporeans can tap on flu vaccination subsidies. Please check with our friendly staff regarding eligibility.

Book your Flu Vaccine appointment now!


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